Vegan Hashbrown Potatoes Recipe

This recipe has two tricks to make hashbrowns quickly and easily!


– 2 russet potatoes,, grated – 1 tablespoon coconut oil, (or other light oil) – ½ teaspoon salt – ⅛ teaspoon black pepper




Heat oil over medium-high heat in a large skillet or non-stick pan. Add potatoes. Salt and pepper the potatoes' tops.  


Step 1

Leave to cook for 5 minutes until the bottom is golden. Stir the crust back into the potatoes and cook until a new crust forms. 


Step 2

Stir the potatoes back into themselves as needed until they are cooked through and crisp, 20–30 minutes.


Step 3

I finish with a compressed potato layer and a crust layer. Cut potatoes into 4 pieces and serve hot.


Step 4

Vegan Fried Egg Recipe 


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