Top 8 Beautiful Peacock Breeds  

The Indian Peafowl (common peacock) is the most famous. Males have iridescent blue and green plumage and a long, elegant train with "eye" markings. 


1. Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus)

Green Peafowls are native to Southeast Asia and have vibrant green and blue plumage. Males have shorter trains than Indian Peafowls but beautiful metallic colors.


2. Green Peafowl (Pavo muticus)

The Central African rainforest is home to the African peafowl or Congo peacock. Unlike other peafowl species, males have a shorter train and deep blue-green plumage.


3. Congo Peafowl (Afropavo congensis)

The White Peafowl, a genetic variant of the Indian Peafowl, is all-white. Their striking appearance makes them popular ornaments.


4. White Peafowl

Copper and bronze hues characterize the Bronze Peafowl, another Indian Peafowl color variant. Its unique color distinguishes it from blue and green varieties.


5. Bronze Peafowl

Java is home to the Java Green Peafowl subspecies. Although slightly different, males have iridescent green and blue plumage like the Green Peafowl.


6. Java Green Peafowl

Black and white shoulder markings distinguish this Indian Peafowl. The rest of the plumage resembles Indian Peafowl.


7. Black-Shouldered Peafowl 

Crossing peafowl species creates Spalding Peafowl hybrids. Breeders create striking combinations like the India Blue (Pavo cristatus) and Green Peafowl.


8. Spalding Peafowl

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