Pomegranate Sorbet Recipe 

Pomegranate sorbet perfection. Smooth, sharp, pomegranate-flavored.  This recipe is easy—the pomegranate seeding is the hardest part. Churning requires an ice cream maker. 

– 500g or 2 cups plus 2 tablespoons pomegranate juice freshly squeezed from about 3 pomegranate – 150g or ¾ cups sugar – 200g or ¾ cup plus 1 tablespoon water – Juice of half a lemon or juice of 1 lime




Place the sugar and water in a pot and place it over a heat setting that is medium. Cook it until it reaches 220 degrees Fahrenheit. 

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STEP  1 .

However, if you do not possess a thermometer, you should wait until all of the sugar has dissolved before bringing it to a boil for one minute.  

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Allow it to cool completely (you can hasten this process by placing it in the refrigerator). To prepare the pomegranate juice, about three pomegranates will need to be opened and their seeds removed.  

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The next step is to put them in a food processor and give it a few minutes of high-speed pulsing. In order to extract as much juice as possible from the puree, 

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you should press it through a sieve with a fine mesh as much as you can. In order to make the sorbet, you will need 500 grams of juice; put that aside. 

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You are free to consume it if you have any extra! The pomegranate juice, the syrup, and the lemon juice should be mixed together at a high speed.  

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Put it in the refrigerator for a few hours to chill it. After it has completely cooled, churn it in the ice cream maker you have.  

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– Total Fat 1.7g – Saturated Fat 1.6g – Total Carbs 19g – Net Carbs 19g – Total Sugars 17g

See Also

Double Chocolate Chip Pecan Cookies Recipe