8 Proven Techniques to Check if a  Coin is Counterfeit

The diameter

Antique coins range from one to two millimeters in diameter. Large diameter discrepancies are suspicious. For counterfeit coins, the diameter can be a lower or greater denomination. 

The weight

Weight varies by diameter, although there is an average for each denomination (even if the currency is relatively heavy compared to the theoretical weight in some situations). 

The metal

Always check for good metal. New fake denarius may be tin instead of silver. If you can produce gold plating or utilize brass, why buy gold? Some are selling Euro 2000 coins with 1 Euro metal. 

The style and quality of engraving

A forger can engrave oneself, fulfilling all kinds of job. From average to near-perfect. Style may complement engraving quality. A'modern' style. Fine features on minor things define this modern design.

The patina

Modern fake coins didn't have time to develop a patina (unless they're old enough). You realize that a forger must artificially patina his currency to make it look old. 

The surface

Traces on the blank depend on production. I told you at the start of the article that a large blank with a drawing near the edge was strange. What else to examine?

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