6 Health Benefits Microgreens

The microgreens can help regulate your blood sugar. Animal studies show that broccoli microgreens improve insulin resistance, allowing sugar to enter cells. Indian cooking staple fenugreek microgreens may improve cell sugar uptake by 25% to 44%.

Manage Type 2 diabetes

Plant-based polyphenols are antioxidants. Microgreens have many health benefits. Scientific evidence suggests that polyphenols may improve cognition and prevent or delay neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.

Enhance reasoning

Polyphenols reduce heart disease risk. Adding red cabbage microgreens to a high-fat diet reduces body weight, triglycerides, and LDL (bad) cholesterol, all heart disease risk factors, according to lab studies.

Reduce heart disease risk

Brassicaceae microgreens have sulforaphane. The health benefits of sulforaphane include cancer prevention. Research suggests that adding Brassicaceae microgreens to a balanced diet may prevent, block, or reverse cancer. 

Prevent cancer

Spinach, broccoli, dandelion, and cress microgreens contain antioxidant lutein. For older adults, it may improve eye health. Lutein may prevent or improve age-related macular disease, according to research.

Eye protection

Iron deficiency causes most anemia worldwide. Many microgreens, like lettuce and Brassicaceae, are iron-rich. However, studies show that fenugreek microgreens contain the most iron.

Reduce anemia risk

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