13 Nearly Complete Protein Sources for Vegetarians


Thick Brush Stroke

Beans and legumes, which are high in protein, can be added to salads, dressings, dips, and sauces.

Beans and Legumes


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. A magnesium deficiency usually starts with these symptoms.

You suspect the flu.


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Legumes like peas are high in plant-based protein. One cup of peas has 7.9 grams of protein, compared to 8.23 in reduced-fat milk.



Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Beans come in a lot of different types, like black, white, pinto, heirloom, and more. All beans, though, have a lot of protein because they are all legumes. 



Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Garbanzo beans, or chickpeas, are a legume and versatile plant-based protein. High-fiber, low-calorie chickpeas have 7.3 grams of protein per half-cup.



Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Black-eyed peas, like beans, lentils, peas, and chickpeas, are hearty pulses. Black-eyed peas are traditionally eaten on New Year's Day for luck. 

Black-Eyed Peas


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

You can use these soy products instead of red meat, chicken, or fish because they are high in plant-based protein.

Soy Products


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Soy-based foods are some of the best plant-based sources of protein. A half-cup serving of tempeh or tofu has about 16.9 grams of protein and 21.8 grams of protein, respectively.

Tempeh and Tofu


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

If you don't like meat substitutes, eat soy straight from the soybean pod. Boiled edamame has nine grams of protein per two-thirds cup.



Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Legumes and nuts have more protein than vegetables. However, some vegetables are high in protein, antioxidants, and heart-healthy fiber. 

Leafy Greens


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

There are many plant-based whey protein powder alternatives. Pea, almond, and other plant-based protein powders are available. 

Plant-Based Protein Powders


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Its unique properties set pea milk apart from other milk alternatives. In contrast to nuts, soy, and dairy, yellow split pea milk is not allergenic.

Pea Milk


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Vegan alternatives to milk have grown due to plant-based eating. Almond, cashew, pea protein, soy, and coconut yogurts are available. 

Dairy-Free Yogurt


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Nuts and seeds provide plant-based protein and are easy to snack on. For extra protein, use nut butters on sandwiches or dips.

Nuts and Seeds


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

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