13 Common Reasons You're Not Losing Weigh


Thick Brush Stroke

Relax if you fear you're stuck on a weight loss plateau. It's usual for the scale to stay still for days or weeks. This does not mean you stopped shedding fat.

Losing without knowing it


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Thick Brush Stroke

Rushing through our daily chores often leads to fast food. Mentally eating may be one of the best weight loss methods.

You’re eating too much


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Thick Brush Stroke

To lose weight, protein is a very important food. People who eat a lot of protein have lost weight and lowered their risk of getting heart disease.

Your protein intake is low.


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Thick Brush Stroke

Quality and quantity matter in food. Whole foods boost health and appetite regulation. Whole foods fill up better than processed ones.

You’re not eating whole foods


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Thick Brush Stroke

Regular exercise aids weight loss. Over several studies, aerobic exercise and resistance training like weightlifting help with weight loss.

Not enough exercise


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Thick Brush Stroke

Sugary drinks are highly calorie-dense. Your brain does not reduce food intake to offset its calories. This applies beyond sugary drinks like Coke and Pepsi. 

You’re still drinking sugar


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Thick Brush Stroke

Good sleep is crucial for weight, mental health, and fitness. One of the largest obesity risk factors is poor sleep. Sleep deprivation and oversleeping have been linked to obesity.

You’re not sleeping well


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Thick Brush Stroke

If you need to lose more weight or have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, consider a low-carb diet. Weight reduction is more likely in the first 6–12 months after cutting carbs.

You're not cutting carbs.


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Thick Brush Stroke

Myth: eating many little meals a day boosts metabolism and loses weight. Healthy snacks and four to five little meals a day may benefit you.

You’re eating too often


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Thick Brush Stroke

Hydration increases metabolism, aiding weight loss. Water consumption reduced weight by 5.15% in a meta-analysis of six trials. Instead of calories, drink water.

You’re not drinking water


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Thick Brush Stroke

Alcohol might inhibit appetite, making you hungry. Decreased alcohol use can help diabetics lose weight.

Consuming too much alcohol


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Thick Brush Stroke

Some medical issues induce weight gain and hinder weight loss. PCOS, hypothyroidism. Drugs might hinder weight loss or promote gain.

It's complicated by your disease.


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Thick Brush Stroke

More than 15% of overweight or obese children and adolescents are food addicts. In a healthy aging poll, 44% of older persons reported at least one sign of processed food addiction (35).

You overeat processed food.


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Thick Brush Stroke

Also See


9 Healthy Foods That Are Rich in Iodine