11 ways to lose 10 pounds safely


Thick Brush Stroke

Researchers found that dieters who drink lots of water lose more weight.Compared to sweetened and unsweetened beverages, water aids weight loss.

Stay hydrated


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

If you are completely full, you might want to divide your plate in half and save the extra food for another time. They're also good for a late-day snack.

You don't have to finish your meal.


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Thick Brush Stroke

The average vegetarian or vegan weighs less than a meat-eater. That's because meat has more calories and saturated fat than plant-based foods.

At least weekly, go meatless.


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Avoid empty calories and artery-clogging saturated fats by avoiding crackers, chips, cookies, and candies. 

Eat wholesome foods


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Thick Brush Stroke

Unknowingly, eating out increases calories. Salt, oil, and sugar are overused in restaurants. Some restaurants use larger plates, which distorts portion sizes. 

Get cooking


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Thick Brush Stroke

Is portion control your downfall? Plate size may cause you to eat more than necessary. Balance your meals and cut calories with a 10-inch plate.

Use smaller plates


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Thick Brush Stroke

Avoid checking your phone or email while eating. These distractions can cause overeating and meal dissatisfaction. 

Limit mealtime distractions


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Thick Brush Stroke

Sugar is unhealthy, as you know. High added sugar intake triples the risk of cardiovascular disease death, according to Cardiovascular Disease. 

Curb your sweet tooth


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Thick Brush Stroke

Avoid white flour breads, crackers, cereals, pasta, and baked goods. Fiber-rich whole grains curb hunger and aid digestion, but refined flours lack it.

Eliminate refined carbs


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Thick Brush Stroke

Drinking alcohol occasionally is fine...or not. Drinking alcohol is safe, but try these low-calorie options.

Limit your alcoholic intake


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Thick Brush Stroke

Walking daily has many benefits, including weight loss, health, and mood. CDC recommends 150–300 minutes (5 hours) of moderate-intensity exercise per week for adults.

Start steppin'


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

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