10 Vitamin E Rich Foods And Its Amazing Benefits

Sunflower seeds are a nutritious snack with vitamin E, essential oils, fibers, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. A handful of sunflower seeds aids digestion. You can eat sunflower seeds with your chicken or as a snack.

Sunflower seeds 

Avocados are a tasty vitamin E source. Fibers, antioxidants, and low fibers are abundant. One avocado provides 20% vitamin E. Start your day with baked egg and avocado.


It is a top source of vitamins, minerals, fibers, and iron. Half a cup of raw spinach contains 16% vitamin E. Spinach can be eaten raw or in salads.


Vitamin E and protein abound. Broccoli, a detox food, fights cancer, inflammation, and bad cholesterol. Add broccoli to soup or steam it as a side.


A handful of almonds contains a lot of vitamin E and essential oils. Eat roasted almonds, bake with them, or drink almond milk.


Peanuts are high in vitamin E, monounsaturated fats, and antioxidants. Peanuts contain nearly 20% vitamin E per handful. Resveratrol and antioxidants in vitamin E lower heart disease and cancer risk. Roasted peanuts are snackable.


Hazelnuts are vitamin E-rich. Proteins, folate, vitamin A, and C are present. It lowers bad cholesterol. You can eat these nuts alone or in cookies and pies.


Vitamin E is best found in sunflower and olive oils. Cook with them for great results.

Vegetable oils

Mangoes are sweet, succulent, and enjoyed worldwide. They also contain vitamin E, with 100 g of mango fruit providing 6% of the daily requirement.


Blackberries and cranberries are vitamin E and antioxidant-rich. Use them as a snack or in smoothies and salads to add color and flavor to your diet. Blackberries contain 8% of your daily vitamin E and cranberries 14% per 100 g.


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