10 Surprising Effects of Poor Posture on Your Body

Headaches are the first unexpected consequence of poor posture. Slouching or hunching strains our neck and upper back muscles, causing tension headaches. The head and neck feel dull and achy with these headaches. 




Slouching or misalignment causes lower back pain, another surprising consequence of poor posture. This strains lower back muscles and structures. Muscle imbalances, spinal misalignment, and lumbar spine pressure can result from this strain. 

Low Back Pain



Shoulder pain often follows lower back pain from poor posture. Poor posture strains shoulder muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This strain can cause shoulder muscle imbalances, tension, and limited range of motion. These cause chronic shoulder pain over time.

Shoulder Pain



Poor posture can cause digestive issues, which are unanticipated. Poor posture can compress the abdominal organs, reducing their function. This compression disrupts digestion, causing acid reflux, indigestion, constipation, and bloating.

Digestion Issues



Bad posture can cause spine misalignment. This misalignment can cause rounded shoulders or kyphosis. Chronic spinal misalignment can cause pain, mobility issues, and scoliosis.

Spinal Misalignment



Poor circulation is another surprising consequence of poor posture. Regularly slouching can constrict blood vessels and slow blood flow. Poor circulation can cause cold hands and feet, fluid retention, and reduced tissue oxygen and nutrient delivery. Improved posture and alignment can boost blood flow, circulation, and health.

Poor Circulation



Slouching or misalignment hinders breathing! Poor posture limits lung inflation and chest cavity expansion. Lung capacity, oxygen intake, and breathlessness or fatigue decrease due to shallow breathing. Correct posture and sitting upright promote chest expansion and deeper, more efficient breathing.

Breathing Issues



Perhaps most surprising, poor posture affects mood and confidence. Slouching or hunching lowers self-esteem, confidence, and mood, research shows. A Health Psychology study found that “Adopting an upright seated posture in the face of stress can maintain self-esteem, reduce negative mood, and increase positive mood compared to a slumped posture.” 

Low Mood and Confidence



Another consequence of poor posture is nerve compression. Compression can cause tingling, numbness, and radiating pain. Poor posture compresses back, arm, hand, and leg nerves. Poor posture can cause nerve compression, sciatica, and carpal tunnel syndrome, so fix it.

Nerve Compression



Finally, poor posture can impair cognition, especially in older adults. Slouching reduces brain blood flow and strains the neck and upper back. These factors can impair memory and concentration.

Memory Loss



also see

also see

12 Exercises to Improve Your Posture

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