10 Magnesium-Rich Foods That are Super Healthy

36% DV in 1 cup of Swiss chard 18% DV in 1 cup of kale 10% DV in 1 cup of collard greens 8% DV in 1 cup of turnip greens


47% DV in 1oz of hemp seeds 27% DV in 1oz of flax seeds 24% DV in 1oz of sesame seeds 23% DV in 1oz of chia seeds

Squash and Pumpkin Seeds

29% DV in 1 cup of white beans 22% DV in 1 cup of black-eyed peas 19% DV in 1 cup of kidney beans 19% DV in 1 cup of chickpeas 17% DV in 1 cup of lentils

Lima Beans

20% DV in a 3oz mackerel fillet 17% DV in a 3oz pollock fillet


28% DV in 1 cup of quinoa 20% DV in 1 cup of buckwheat 15% DV in 1 cup of whole wheat pasta 14% DV in 1 cup of bulgur 12% DV in 1 cup of wild rice

Brown Rice

25% DV in 1oz of Brazil nuts 20% DV in 1oz of cashews 17% DV in 1oz of pine nuts 11% DV in 1oz of walnuts 9% DV in 1oz of pecans


23% DV in 1oz of baking chocolate 12% DV in 3oz of 60-69% dark chocolate 10% DV in 3oz of 40-59% dark chocolate

Dark Chocolate

Calories 58mg (14% DV) 29mg (7% DV) 36mg (9% DV)


13% DV in a 16oz glass of skim milk 12% DV in a 16oz glass of whole milk 4% DV in 1/2 cup of low-fat ricotta

Non-Fat Yogurt

Calories 41mg (10% DV) 27mg (6% DV) 61mg (14% DV)


also see

also see

12 Health Benefits of Magnesium Supplements