10 foods High in Potassium


Thick Brush Stroke

Your body needs potassium to maintain normal blood pressure, transfer nutrients into cells, and sustain nerve and muscle function. Your body cannot generate it, making it a vital nutrient. 

Thick Brush Stroke

Avocados contain vitamin K, folate, and healthy fats. Half a 68-gram avocado without skin and seed offers 345 mg of potassium, 7% of the DV. A full avocado has 15% DV.



Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

White potatoes are often substituted with sweet potatoes. They're a healthy potassium source. One cup (328 grams) of mashed sweet potato has 16% of the DV.

Sweet potatoes


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

One of the healthiest veggies is spinach. One cup (190 grams) of frozen spinach provides 12% of the potassium DV. Raw spinach has 11% of the DV in 3 cups (90 grams).



Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Large, tasty watermelon is high in water. Two wedges (approximately 1/8 of a melon, or 572 grams) offer just under 14% of the potassium DV.



Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Coconut water is very hydrating. Electrolytes help attract water into cells, making it a great natural sports drink option. 

Coconut water


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Beans provide complex carbs and plant-based protein. Two times as much potassium as bananas, white beans offer 21% of the DV in 1 cup (179 grams). Each dish of black beans has 13% DV.



Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Peanuts, chickpeas, beans, lentils, and soybeans are potassium-rich. Lentils have 15% of the mineral DV per cup (198 grams), chickpeas 10%, soybeans 19%, and peanuts 23%.



Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Cooked, peeled, and seeded tomatoes produce paste. 3 tablespoons (50 grams) contain above 10% DV. Tomato paste contains cancer-fighting lycopene and vitamin C.

Tomato paste


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Very tasty winter butternut squash. Fruit is cooked like root vegetable. Cup (205 grams) offers 12% potassium DV. It has Vitamins A, C, E, and magnesium, but few B vitamins.

Butternut squash


Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

Many countries rely on potatoes, a starchy root vegetable. A medium boiled potato (167 grams) provides 12% of the DV for potassium.



Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke

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