10 Best Foods That Are High in Zinc

USDA calls oysters zinc powerhouses at 5.5 mg per raw oyster. Oysters have 7 calories and many vitamins and minerals, including B12 and selenium, according to the USDA.Try cooked, canned, or half-shell oysters. Their zinc content makes them tasty no matter how you serve them and may boost your immune system.


Lobster and crab are zinc-rich. The USDA lists 6.5 mg in 3 ounces of cooked Alaskan king crab and 4.7 mg in a small steamed or boiled lobster. Harvard Health Publishing recommends adding shellfish to any heart-healthy diet, even though it has fewer benefits than salmon or sardines.

Crab and Lobster

Beef, pork, and chicken are high in protein and zinc. The USDA recommends lean beef (at least 90% lean), pork tenderloin, and boneless chicken breasts for the healthiest cuts. 

Meat and Poultry

Zinc and other vitamins and minerals are found in mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, kale, and garlic. According to the USDA, one cup of raw sliced mushrooms contains 0.4 mg zinc. One cup of cooked kale has 0.3 mg.

Mushrooms and Kale

Krista Linares, RDN, founder of Nutrition con Sabor in Raleigh, North Carolina, says vegans and vegetarians can get zinc. For zinc, she suggests chickpeas, lentils, and beans. Black beans, edamame, and hummus contain zinc and other nutrients.


Sprinkle an ounce of pumpkin seeds or pine nuts on your next salad for crunch. The USDA says they'll provide 2.2 mg of zinc (excellent) and 1.8 mg (good). Get grocery store nuts. 

Versatile Seeds and Nuts

Whole grains have many health benefits. High in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and zinc, 1 cup of raw oats contains 3 mg of zinc, while the same amount of cooked brown rice contains 1.4 mg.

Whole Grains

Many breakfast cereals contain zinc and other vitamins. Check the nutrition label to see how much your favorite brand gives you. Check the nutrition label for added sugar.

Fortified Breakfast

Milk and yogurt are tasty zinc and calcium sources. The USDA says 1 cup of nonfat or low-fat milk has 1.1 mg of the mineral. A cup of nonfat or low-fat plain yogurt provides 2.4 mg and 2.2 mg.

Milk and Dairy

A lovely surprise! Dark chocolate also contains zinc, which is exciting. And darker is better: The USDA reports that 60 to 69 percent cacao varieties contain nearly 0.8 mg per ounce, while 70 to 85 percent contain 0.9 mg.

Dark Chocolate

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